Book Reviews / Books

Finding the Time to Read



When I tell people how much I read – occasionally upwards of three books a week; less if I’m reading a doorstop-sized classic, there’s an automatic assumption that I happen to be a quick reader or have mastered the art of speed reading. Alas, neither is true; for me, speeding through a book would completely defeat the purpose of reading; and while I can’t profess to have enjoyed every book I’ve read, I certainly wouldn’t want to rush through those that I do.

It’s very easy to blame a lack of time as a key reason for not being able to read as much as one would want to – I’m certainly guilty of doing so when I find my reading flagging; but as a seasoned bookworm used to squeezing in pockets of reading whenever and wherever I can, I thought I’d I’d share my tips for anyone wanting to up their book game, from learning the art of multi tasking, to giving audiobooks with BookBeat a go.

1. Get up earlier: Much has been made in recent months of the benefit of rising early. Indeed, scores of some of the most accomplished people – from Richard Branson to Anna Wintour, to best-selling novelist Kate Mosse (who begins her day at 4am when writing a book) – attribute their success to the habit of rising early. For me, the time I wake varies between 5.30 and 6, and the silence and serenity of the early morning affords me the perfect time to read. I love being the only person awake in a still and sleeping house and get a huge amount of satisfaction from making a cup of hot, strong tea and settling back into bed with a book for a solid hour or two of reading and escapism before the chaos of my daily commute to work.

2. Turn off the TV: After a long day at work, it’s all too easy to collapse on the sofa and idly channel-hop in the hope of finding something that grabs your interest before settling on some inane drivel that lacks in both substance and stimulation. I’ve lost count of the amount of hours I’ve wasted on TV that would have been better spent head down in a book. Take it from one of the best-loved writers of all time, the wonderful Roald Dahl: ‘So, please, oh please, we beg, we pray, go throw your TV set away, and in its place you can install, a lovely bookcase on the wall.’

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3. Switch off social media: Given that I work in social media, I understand the temptation of being glued to your phone at all times, lest you miss an important status update, but if you want to find the time to read, it’s time to turn off social media. The past-time of scrolling through Twitter news-feeds or Instagram galleries is an addictive one; and not conducive when it comes to upping your reading. The best way around this? A simple one: log out of your social media accounts, leave your phone or lap-top in a different room and get your head down in a book.


4. Reclaim your lunch break: Encouraging their readers to make the most of their lunch hour, Stylist Magazine recently launched a ‘Reclaim your Lunch Break‘ campaign. The ethos is a simple one; rather than grabbing a salad-to-go and remaining glued to your computer screen, leave your desk for the full hour to partake in a new activity. Be it a walk, a cooking lesson, or a lunch-time concert, the list is of options is endless. Why not try using your lunch hour for a blissful sixty minutes of reading?

5. Set yourself a goal: Perhaps the biggest incentive for me when it comes to making sure I find the time to read is that I’ve publicly declared to anyone who will listen that I intend to read the BBC Top 100 in full before my 30th birthday. By setting yourself a reading challenge it will give you the extra impetus you need to find the time to read, and that extra bit of satisfaction when you complete it.

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6. Multi-task: There are a number of ways in which I find the time to read without it effecting my time. However long or short your commute, it’s the perfect opportunity to squeeze in some reading and if you’re a fan of the treadmill, why not kill two birds with one stone and nourish your body and your mind in one fell swoop? From standing in queues to waiting in coffee shops for a friend, ansure you carry a book with you and these slices of time can be filled with reading.

7. Up your book game with BookBeat:

Until recently, I’d never considered audiobooks as a way to read more. And while you may not be working your way through a physical book or turning the pages of a trusty tome, listening to one of BookBeat’s extensive list of audiobooks – whether a much-loved classic or a contemporary non-fiction –  is nonetheless a valid way to make books a more active part of your life. Much like having bedtime stories read to us as children, the soothing tones of an audiobook make for a serene end to the day when our brains are frazzled from a day’s work and words on a page blur into one.

I’ve teamed up with BookBeat to offer readers of The Literary Edit the chance to up their book game and to reacquaint themselves with the joy of all things bookish in a way that will fit into their fast paced and often already full lives. So, whether you want to dedicate some time to some more heavyweight classics, or indulge in some contemporary non fiction inspiration, BookBeat is giving you the opportunity to listen to them all with a one-month free trial  – it’s time to indulge yourself in the magic of books all over again.

This blog post is sponsored by BookBeat but all thoughts and love of books are all my own.

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2 comments on “Finding the Time to Read”

  1. This is a great post! I get so mad when people say they don’t have time to read because what they are really saying is, “I don’t make time to read” – which I’m fine with, just be honest! I’ve been really bad about blogging while watching Netflix lately, which ends up taking me twice as long as if I devoted time to blogging by itself, but I don’t feel starved for reading time now that I’ve finished my Master’s thesis 🙂

    1. Thank-you; thought it was a good idea to post about how I make the time to read in case anyone was in need of some tips! xox

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