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Review: Not a Diet Book – James Smith


Not a Diet Book by James Smith

A question I’m often asked is whether I prefer novels or non-fiction, and – truth be told – I don’t really have a preference. In the wake of finishing a degree in English Literature, I would have been more inclined to choose fiction rather than fact when deciding on what to read next, but these days it’s a fairly even split. I actually tend to have two books on the go at any given time – and usually gravitate more towards reading non-fiction in the early hours of the morning, and novels before I go to bed. In recent years I’ve come to love the lessons I learn from the number of non-fiction books I’ve read, and this year alone having read more about everything from sleep and lifestyle to business, have raced through the likes of The 5am Club, The Miracle Morning, Legacy, The Four Hour Working Week and many more besides.

I always keep an eye on the daily emails I get from The Bookseller to ensure I’m on top of any new releases that I want to review on my blog, and as soon as I read about Not a Diet Book by personal trainer James Smith being acquired back in July, I made a mental note to request an advanced copy that I could get stuck into over the festive season. I ended up reading it in two subsequent sittings during a sunny spell in Sydney, and it soon after joined my list of the best non-fiction books I’ve read this year.

As the title suggests, Smith’s debut is much more than a book about diets, and instead incorporates his own tried and tested techniques that readers can apply to everything from relationships, to careers, to productivity, success and ambition. Exploring everything from morning habits to time spent on technology, to his constant thirst for knowledge, Smith writes candidly about how he has both set himself apart from his competitors and carved out a unique niche in what is a fierce and often over-crowded industry.

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Reading about his desire to make Australia mirrored much of my own experience – having been twice deported but having now lived in Sydney (albeit via a three-month stint in both Los Angeles and Bali) for almost four-and-a-half years, it’s certainly a country that has an allure for many people, however hard the government try to makes it for expats to stay.

Motivating, inspiring and the type of book that will make you question your own quest for success and the lengths you’re prepared to go to to live a happy and fulfilled life – whatever that looks like to you – Not a Diet Book should be required reading for everyone who needs incentive, stimulus and inspiration to better themselves as the start of a new decade approaches. Readers will finish Not a Diet Book, equiped with the knowledge they need to not only embrace a healthier and more balanced relationship with food and exercise, but too with the tools for success to excel in all areas of their life.

To end this review, I want to share the quote that stayed with me long beyond the final page, and the one that resonated with me the most:’The train is about to leave, so make sure you get on it.’

Buy Not a Diet Book from WaterstonesAmazon, Amazon AU or download it on Audible.

About Not a Diet Book

This is NOT a diet book

Are you sick of always wearing black and getting undressed in the dark?

Are you fixated with a number on the scales?

Are you afraid to step into the gym and commit to a routine?

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Is your confidence at an all-time low?

Is all of this having a negative impact on your life, relationships and happiness?

James Smith is armed with every tool you’ll ever need to achieve incredible results – from dieting, training and staying in shape to identifying the fads, cons and nonsense that get in
the way of genuine lasting progress.

Learn to reset your current mindset and attitude towards your diet and training, with chapters covering:
• Fat loss versus muscle gain
• Metabolism and ‘body types’
• Protein targets and calorie tracking
• Common fitness fallacies
• Female fat loss
• Supplements
• Training versus exercising
• The importance of sleep
• Forming habits

This book will put you back in control. It is not a fad diet or a short-term training plan. It will empower you to adopt better habits that will allow you to take charge of your life.

About James Smith

James Smith is the world’s fastest-growing online personal trainer. Honest, unapologetic and outspoken, yet erudite, authentic and endlessly passionate about exposing the toxic myths within diet culture, and committed to helping people to reach their goals and make positive change for good. Not a Diet Book is his first book. You can join the James Smith Academy here.

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2 comments on “Review: Not a Diet Book – James Smith”

  1. The correct name of the book is misquoted here. “Not a Diet Book” vs. “Not Just a Diet Book.”

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